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Freeman Footage

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Patterson-Gimlin Film

These are simply the best in photos, video and audio clips of what we believe to be real live bigfoot.  There will always be controversey surrounding all suspected and alleged bigfoot media so take it all with a grain of salt.  These are just the ones we like.  If you feel we are missing one, send us an email through our contact page and we will take a look.

The Patterson-Gimlin film still continues to yield valuable information that astonishes researchers and skeptics alike.  And since it was before the digital age, many more enhancements and details can be derived from each frame without the pixelization of modern video cameras.  A+

The Freeman Footage is some fine video even though it is a bit blurry.  It shows the leg angle, gait, body proportions, unorthodox movement and size relative to the surroundings.  It differs from the P-G Film in that it has audio.  The most convincing reaction from a videographer I have seen to date. 

Anything by MK Davis is a sure treasure, whether he is confirming a hoax or enhancing what could be an amazing find on video or audio.  Always be on the lookout for his work.  He has plenty of submissions on YouTube so look him up.  These are just a few of the good ones.

I'm another title

Video and Audio Enhancements By M.K. Davis

Hall of Fame

Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada - Mystery Guest

This has been a long time coming.  I have never found an expert to prove this has been hoaxed.  I believe this silhouette is of the elusive Bigfoot for which we have all searched so hard.  The footage is fast and easy to miss.  Most people would have missed it.  I like that you can see the sheen reflecting off its head in the sun in the frames before the image captured above.  I hope you will agree that this is accidental evidence but wonderful evidence just the same.


Olympic Project/

Brown Thermal Footage

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is by far the best thermal footage out there to date.  They catch it watching them so they film it. They get footage, prints and even do a size comparison to show how enormous this thing was.  This would be extremely hard to fake with a costume.  The thermal signature would show up all patchy because of the empty space between the body and costume.  Filmed at 117 feet away, there is definite muscle tone and genuine organic biology in this thermal hit.  There is no denying it--they did the impossible!!!  Great work!!!

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